Monday, December 30, 2024

In Memoriam: Professor Władysław Miodunka (1945–2024)


On April 30, 2024, the academic world bid farewell to Professor Władysław Miodunka, a luminary in the fields of linguistics, Polish philology, and onomastics. His passing marks the end of a remarkable journey dedicated to the study, teaching, and promotion of the Polish language and culture worldwide.

Early Life and Academic Beginnings

Born on January 1, 1945, in Wojsław, near Mielec, Poland, Professor Miodunka spent his formative years in Podleszany. After excelling at the prestigious Stanisław Konarski High School in Mielec, he pursued Polish philology at Jagiellonian University, Kraków. His early academic interests leaned toward dialectology, with his master's thesis examining the syntax of the local dialect in his home village.

Contributions to Onomastics

Professor Miodunka began his academic journey with a strong focus on onomastics. One of his early groundbreaking works analyzed over a thousand Polish tavern names, offering structural and semantic classifications that are still referenced today. His meticulous approach to studying historical and cultural naming conventions laid a foundation for future research in chrematonomastics—the study of commercial and functional names.

Academic Career and Pedagogical Innovation

Over the decades, Professor Miodunka made invaluable contributions to Polish linguistics, particularly in syntax, semantics, and lexicology. His tenure at Jagiellonian University saw him mentor generations of students, instilling in them a passion for linguistics and cultural preservation.

A pivotal chapter in his career unfolded during his years in Toulouse, France (1973–1977). There, he embraced applied linguistics and innovative teaching methods, which he later brought to Poland, transforming the pedagogy of Polish as a foreign language. His work in this area culminated in the establishment of certification programs for Polish language proficiency, a milestone in Polish glottodidactics.

A Global Ambassador of Polish Culture

Professor Miodunka’s influence extended far beyond Poland. As a visiting professor in countries such as the United States, Brazil, and Australia, he tirelessly promoted Polish language and culture. His textbooks and monographs, such as “Let’s Learn Polish” and “The Language Pedagogy of Polish Studies”, remain indispensable resources for teaching Polish as a foreign language.

Leadership and Recognition

Throughout his career, Professor Miodunka held numerous prestigious positions, including director of the Polish Language and Culture Center at Jagiellonian University and chairman of the State Commission for the Certification of Proficiency in Polish. His administrative roles underscored his commitment to advancing Polish studies both academically and institutionally.


Professor Władysław Miodunka’s life epitomized dedication to the Polish language and its global recognition. His research in onomastics, particularly in the cultural and historical dimensions of names, continues to inspire scholars worldwide. Beyond his academic achievements, he will be remembered as a compassionate mentor, an innovative educator, and a passionate advocate for Polish heritage.

As we reflect on his profound impact, the onomastic community celebrates his life and work, ensuring that his legacy endures in the study and appreciation of names and languages.

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